+966 13 833 1083
9am - 8pm
Saudi Arabia

About Us

About us

We’re a global stakeholder relations and consultancy.

Founded in 1976, SUHAIMI DESIGN, is a multi-disciplinary organization with an experienced professional staff of architects and engineers.
PROTECOOLING is a new division started in 2008 to provide consultancy services to high-end HVAC projects. This division is operated by experienced Chief HVAC consultant and necessary engineering and CADD staff. The Chief consultant has a wide range of experience in HVAC and other mechanical services. Whenever specialized experience is required SUHAIMI DESIGN utilizes the services of its technical consultants from affiliated companies locally or abroad.

Years of Experience


Protecooling is dedicated in providing quality service. We endeavor to deliver the optimal solution to every problem. It is this intent, coupled with our technical expertise, which creates an added value for our clients.


To provide specialized mechanical engineering consultancy services and knowledge based solutions for complex HVAC / mechanical utilities projects with focus on energy conservation, environmental consideration and cost optimization.

Behold the incredible strength that drives our success!

Following are our core strengths and we add a lot of value in these areas:

Engineering Design & Analysis

Design of District Cooling Plant
Design of ETS
Design of major reticulation network / Hydraulic & Surge Analysis
Design for Saudi Aramco and other major clients
Design of Healthcare Facilities
Tariff Study and Life Cycle Cost Analysis

Control systems – Design, Implementation support & Functional performance testing.

We consider this area to be a unique strength we have in our team in comparison to the market capabilities. We can basically participate from the design stage. Our strength will be prominently noticeable when we participate during inspections for functional performance testing and providing guidance to even major control systems solutions providers to implement appropriate solutions given the constraints of the project.


Third party review

We have previously worked for Saudi Aramco and some other clients as a third party review consultant.


Commissioning Process

We are promoting the implementation of commissioning process, which gives quality assurance in any project from the conceptual stage until final handover & operations and beyond. We have already performed the function of commissioning consultant for major clients including Saudi Aramco, King Saud University.


We draw on our global network to collaborate with esteemed partners

Watad Energy & Communications Ltd

Founded in 2013 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Watad operates mainly in four lines of business namely information& Communications technology, Contact Centers, Lighting, and Energy. Watad is a fast growing solution provider & system integrator in information & communication technology.

Coda Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd

An ISO 9001: 2008 certified company CODA Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd (CODASOL) headquartered in Chennai-INDIA, is an emerging provider of IT, Engineering services to small, medium and large enterprises. The company was found in 2011, and now has a global footprint extending its support to enterprises with strategic insights on what lies ahead.

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